Friday, October 30, 2009

with a feeling of guilt....

Today's Mood: Guilty as HELL!!!

To my lovely dear sister.... Sara... I am really truly deeply sorry.... I didn't mean to forget your bday... Really, I am So SOOOOOORRRRRYYYY!!!! Not that I forgot, but I am not the kind of person that remembers these things... The post below was when I just opened up a blog, therefore, I really did forget to put in your name....

With this feeling of guilt.... this made me realize:

I am not a good sister

I am not a good friend either

I am not a good person

Bcoz I realize, not only did I not remember when Sara's bday is, but a lot of other people as well... Falzal's bday.... Amin Monopose... and probably a bunch of other people as well... what kinda person forgets these things... what kind of friend am I.... not a very good one... and the guilty feeling from something that happened like 20-30 minutes ago made me realize that... no wonder people see me as someone bad... no wonder people always say that I always look guilty.. because I am..

I'm guilty for not being a good friend

I'm guilty for not being a good sister

I'm guilty for not being a good person

No one to blame but myself....

oh n one more thing

R.I.P. Brian Picone... you're always known to be a great loving guy

~~Way to go Farah! -.- u shud b in bars~~

1 comment:

  1. akak...i'm just playin around.don't need o feel guilty.u're great sis.u've been a good sister to me.i love u. :)
